Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Vote Chooser - Indian Version

Recently I came across this interesting site - This site is simple way to allow people to decide to vote between Obama and McCain based on their respective policies. Site poses simple 10 questions - and bang you know whom you should support at the end of the questionnaire. (By the way, I was supporting 7 Obama policies out of 10 total questions).

Since, Indian general elections are around the corner, I thought building similar website would be very useful. Despite many differences, most of the Indian politics revolves around UPA, NDA, and Left forming two and half major fronts. So the concept is simple - posing 10 questions, answers to which should lead you to vote for either NDA or UPA alliance.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find 10 differences at policy level between UPA (Congress) or NDA (BJP)! I checked Congress's website - a major party in UPA alliance and BJP's website again a major party in NDA alliance for possible publicly declared manifesto/ policy document. But there is nothing on those two websites.

So my quest for VoteChooser Indian version has hit the major road block in the absence of 10 major differences between two poles of Indian politics. Irony is that parties representing 1.2 billion people do not have policy agendas on things that matter such as infrastructure, education, health care, foreign affairs etc. This is surprising, may be I am missing something. Any suggestions? Can you lead me to form those 10 questions?


Pinks' Ponderings said...
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Pinks' Ponderings said...
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Pinks' Ponderings said...

You might want to check LK Advani's blog. Although it has just a few posts, I believe he does point out some policy guidelines. Of course they are/will be his personal guidelines, but that can be a start! And thats a great idea! Recreating it for the Indian version that is

Unknown said...

hmmm...sounds like a potential for a business to me.

M said...

I don't find any differences on economic policies either. However, there are clear differences in some other policies:

Some clearly divisive issues:
1. Ram mandir / Babri masjid
2. Indo-US nuclear pact (Congress supported, BJP opposed)

Ameya said...

@Omkar: Well I tend to disagree on differences for Nuclear Deal. For Ram Mandir, It just hard to believe how does it matter? And how it can be central theme for choosing govt for next 5 years

Amit Khanna said...


I believe this is what you were looking for....

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!